The garden is coming along great. The hardest part is the waiting. The lettuce varieties are ready, and we have been eating salad every night. I'm sure we'll be sick of it soon, but I am trying to no buy any veg from now til next spring. I better cross my fingers that the stuff that stores or freezes produces well!
The tomato plants are like shrubs, covered with green globes. There are tiny little cukes on the vines. The carrots are almost big enough that we can thin them by eating baby carrots. The cabbage has bounced back from rampaging chicken and a flea beetle attack. The beets and turnip are well on their way.
The spinach and arugula both succumbed to the flea beetles, so we have replanted, and the seedlings are doing better. As soon as we notice that the beetles are back, I break out the organic bug spray, and it seems to knock them back.
There have been a few disappointments this year. The peas are growing slow. They should be about done by now, and awaiting a replant. Instead they have been slow to grow, only about 8 inches tall. The herbs in the other garden closer to the house have barely come up at all. The cilantro was slow, and then only about 6 plants came up. The rest never even germinated. We tilled the soil, and reseeded. So far, the basil has shown itself, but thats it! I was dreaming of food seasoned with my own herbs all winter. At this rate, I'm going to just buy some potted ones and put them on the window sill!
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